Sex: Female
Age: 5yrs
Size: 50lbs
ID Number: A054038
You Can Find Me: At the shelter
Uni’s fan club has generously sponsored her adoption fee! Uni is free to a good home.
Bio: Uni is very human-oriented. She gets so happy when you go to see her and can’t wait to get out of her kennel. She’s fairly high energy, but also settles well once out on walks. She is easy to walk and fine passing other dogs. Her favorite thing is to play tug with rope toys. Once Uni gets some playtime to get out some of that puppy energy (she still thinks she’s a puppy), she would love nothing more than to cuddle up against you for some pets and kisses. Uni really craves human affection and attention, and she would love a home of her own where she can be showered with love.