Sex: Male
Age: 2yrs
Size: 60lbs
ID Number: A054902
You Can Find Me: At the shelter
Bio: Gumbo is a good boy with let’s say, refined taste. He is picky about his friends, often preferring women to men. Why wouldn’t he? With his good looks and charm, he can afford to be choosy. And he is sometimes particular about strangers up in his space. But once he is out and about, he is a gentleman who turns heads. He walks nicely on leash and may pull a little now and then, but not badly. Gumbo loves to hang out with his friends, canine and human, in the play yard. Gumbo is energetic, but also calms nicely. He seems extremely housetrained. Come meet this dreamboat today and see if you are his chosen person. If you are, you will be the luckiest person in the world. You will have a blast with Gumbo!